After spending the better part of my young adult life ensconsed in the credit counseling industry, by and through our 1975 family-founded non-profit service, Credit Counselors Corporation; the time came for me to exit, stage left, for good.  That was in 2002.  It's a long story, but suffice to say, in my considered opinion, when the industry went from benevolent in purpose to an out and out money grab that began charging debtors for their help, I couldn't ethically join that party.  However, I had the knowledge as a respected "expert" in my field that I felt compelled to impart to debtors nationwide.  In 2011 I wrote my first book - "Escape From the Plastic Prison: A Practical Guide to Getting Yourself Out of Debt."  In the first couple of short chapters, the reader gains more personal insights which led me to the point of writing what a few months later was named the How-To Book of the Year at the 2011 San Francisco Book Festival.  I'm very proud of that, particularly as this was my seminal literary effort; but more so because it means I could still reach those debtors who are so desperately needing the information contained therein.  I figured with the needed tools, a one-time twenty dollar purchase instead of paying a counseling agency a minimum of $50 PER MONTH for an average of 42 months was a better deal.


It was back in the first flip phone camera days, so it's awfully grainy. Nevertheless, here's my acceptance speech given on  May 21, 2011:

      The back cover is probably the best synopsis of this next book.

A compilation of Facebook posts I've received on my personal page that will leave you mystified, inspired, confused, motivated, angry, tickled, scratching your head, and thoroughly entertained.  Keep this one in your bathroom - so friends visting that special place in your home will feel right at home!  In one ten-minute "sitting" you'll be amazed by just how much craziness you're able to fully digest.  Or, at least, hopefully digest!

Call me sarcastic, call me agnostic, call me distracted, call me half-baked, call me lost, call me humorous, call me  a screwball, call me fantasmagorical, call me out for any number of things...but whatever you call me, I beseech thee, NEVER call me late for The Last Supper.

Here's what Google Books says about this attempt of my effort toward achieving literary lampoonacy:

A lightly comedic offering that sprinkles serious questions throughout, The Holy Buy Bull throws and lands several well-deserved jabs on the jaw of the most widely-distributed and widely-read book of all time.  If you are willing to suspend your lifelong system of biblical beliefs during this read you just might catch yourself smiling and even laughing out loud as you consider The Old Testament from an entertainingly different perspective.  More than anything else, this literary offering was clearly written to make you think above and beyond the religious dogma that has been dogging your conciousness long before you learned how to read. To quote its author, "While a mind may be a terrible thing to waste - with an open mind is the way things should be faced!"

A proud collection of short stories which highlight my experiences as a professional waiter in the decade of my 50's.  Some of these tales are sad, most are funny, and several are nothing short of quirky; but ALL of them are true as true can be.  If these Real Life accounts have you thinking to yourself out loud "I'd like to be a server someday," you've totally missed the book's chief intent.  And, please...think to yourself quietly from now on.  Laugh if you must, but PLEASE don't allow any of these vignettes to influcence you to become one of the diners about whom they were penned.

This is the first book in which I tried my hand at illustration.  There's not much to read here, but there's certainly dozens of pencil sketches on which you might feast your eyes.  Simply put, the whole idea of this effort was to make you smile.  It is a whimsical look at ficitonal last names when coupled with Real Life first names.  The idea is you first see the name written out, and then you try to imagine what the drawing will look like after you read the first name.  Try to sound out the two names together, then mess around with the breakdown of thier combined syllables until you eventually figure it out.  I will tell you this:  For as long as it took me to render each drawing on 8.5 x 11 paper -- it'll be some time before you catch me wielding another #2 pencil around my office.  ENJOY! 

Oh, alright, here's an example:

Meet Bruce Coughy!  GOT IT?  Have FUN!!

Chronologically as they were written...

   Here's the description as listed on the book's Amazon page: 

THEIRS & MINE is an amalgamation of quotes from famous and infamous people down through the ages.  You'll recognize many of them, but what's in store for the reader is a "personal treatment" added to each of them - which effectively creates stand alone quotes that can only be attributed to its author.  You'll laugh, you'll wonder, you'll be surprised, but for the most part you'll be entertained by this unique literary work. 


As has been the case with most of my efforts that preceeded this book, (even those more seriously conceived) this recipe was infused with the ever-apparent and abundant dose of the most delicious ingredient in the world...FUN!



        Book #12 - A Guy's Tale

        Book #13 - Side Effects Include

        Book #14 - The $ecret Revealed

        Book #15 - The Trump Virus

        Book #16 - In The Basement ~ A Novel


What can I say? This Crazy Covid-19 pandemic

has me seated at my keyboard and my drawing board

more frequently than ever since March 15, 2020! 


Like everyone else, you probably insist, at least out loud, that you hate puns. In your real world, however, you know you do that because you're afraid someone else is listening, and you couldn't 'bare' for them to know that in the deeper part of your heart you have an abiding love for them. In fact, you often find yourself wishing you'd made up some of the more clever ones you've heard along your life's journey. Don't you? Have no fear, you can read PUNishment in the privacy of your own bathroom, or anywhere else you wish, and never have to confide your appreciation for its contents to anyone. However, if you share a few from this book because you find them truly funny, and after you repeat them to your friends and family and they in turn laugh out loud, kindly do this author the honor of mentioning you saw it first in his original book, PUNishment. Crack a smile from time to time, it's easier than cracking an egg and far less messy. ENJOY!

PUNishment Too is the sequel to PUNishment, The Price You Pay for Wordplay. That's why it is titled, "PUNishment Too, The Sea Quill. Get it? After the first book was published the furthest thing from this author's mind was a PART 2, but, alas not necessarily by public demand, the PUNs couldn't stop from seeping into my skull. Because of that, I ultimately put together this collection, which, PUNnily enough outweighs the first dose of PUNishment by some eighty pages. To make this description clear, you are in for a ton more PUNs; so don't be shocked or surprised when you read them; just be amused or befuddled or totally long as you have FUN in that process!

Here's a full Scroll-Down List of the Books I've published over the last decade through Kindle Direct Publishing, the self-publishing arm of Amazon.  They are available online and you can get there by simply clicking on the photo of the specific bookcover you'd like to consider purchasing and you'll be taken to its order page at